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Will you let God taken it away?

I'm reading Exodus for a week already, and I'm so excited to enjoy this book in the way that I never been like this before. There is something I've noticed lately between Pharaoh and Moses. Lord had mentioned several time to Moses and Pharaoh with the same words "I am the Lord". God revealed himself to Moses and to Pharaoh as God, and these two people responded to his command differently. However, considering from Pharaoh's perspective there were multitude of Hebrews in his land that could be a threat for his nation if Hebrews came along his enemies to take down the Egyptians, plus he had Hebrews as the slaves, so Hebrews did all the construction works which became a great advantage for his nation. He couldn't let all of them move away from Egypt. In Exodus 9, God was going to bring them down by saying that Pharaoh and his people will be no longer in this earth. God kept revealing himself to them as God, and what he asked from Pharaoh is all about letting God's people to serve the true God. God owns them not Pharaoh. As I mentioned before, it was hard that Pharaoh would let this people get away from him because it could be a threat and his throne was shaken. Somehow I've seen this pattern happens in my own life many time. When I realized there is something that I didn't let God have it because I'm afraid that I'll loose the value of it, God starts to draw my attention to him. Will I let God taken away or let it belong to God? I'm sure that we're holding on to something that we might thought 'well it belongs to me and I can't live without it.' Then God begins to show us that He is our Lord who is in charge of doing all of this for us. God is there for us to keep us not having a harden heart, and he is there to make sure that we know what kind of burden we should take. I learn that it's better if we let God taken thing away when he needs it from the 1st time of his requesting, because it means we truly understand Who God is and everything is belonged to God. Am I holding so tight on my future partner? Am I holding so tight about having a great ministry and make it runs on my way? Am I holding on only my own plan? One of it that I'm letting go into God's care is about my marriage life. It wasn't because my boyfriend is not good enough, but it because I'm too focusing on it until I loose peace and joy to enjoy my relationship with God and with him. I care so much of others' thinking of me until I'm forcing thing to happen on my way. I felt bad that I've put so much pressure on him, and when thing didn't go as I plan, I started to freak out and can't move on. Am I afraid loosing face and all reputation? Yes, I am, then God uses this kind of example to reveal himself as God to me, and let me learn to let all of this cases into his care. He can take it away as he wish, because my boyfriend and my future belong to God anyway. Please stand with me as I'm walking through this kind of process, and pray that I'll focus on having a good relationship with God and to serve in God's Kingdom until the right time comes for me to be Mrs. ;) I hope what I share from my heart can be an encouragement to those who read on my blogs. May God keep you close to his heart throughout this year. God bless!


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