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Jesus has overcome

"I have told you this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.~ John 16:33, NLT"

Look back in the past few year, I've seen many trails and sorrows over myself and others. People who lost their beloved one are in deep of sorrows. The difficulty of the country issues and economic problem that causes the whole world to be concern about ceasing income. Lots of challenging take place, and we handle it well sometimes. I found this Scriptures alive in my heart when it speaks about 'peace'. Through the difficulty of situation, I really need peace to be in my heart so that I can pressing on and be normal person.

Just the last day of the year 2008 I was depressed about my family situation. One person texts me message to say happy new year, but the message encouraged me so much as it says "may peace, love and hope are in you today, tomorrow and always".. I'm totally overwhelmed with the fact that Jesus is our peace, and he asks me to take heart because he has overcome the world. If Jesus is with me, I have peace! He is in all situation, and we can rely on him and the Father. Sometimes when we are focusing on the issue, we totally forget this truth.. I have to confess that I didn't have this attitude until God uses this Scripture to teach me again.

Please take heart because Jesus has overcome the world. May we always have peace because Jesus is our peace.



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