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An Eternal Family!

Last week I was sitting in the church to translate a message which King, our pastor, shared. I'm sure that God wants to reveal himself as a good provider who provide a safe place to any Christian who deals with family conflicts, and it's a Christ family. This is a very big family that have the same value and thought, they also have a same father, and they also walk to eternity together. Most of Thai Christian would face lots of conflict from our earthly families if we are the 1st person who became Christian in our own family. We value life by live in a holiness and love one another while our very own family value money and how much we can get from others. We can't expect that we'll be understood by our earthly family. God also doesn't let us stand alone in this kind of situation, he is carrying our sadness,grieves and suffering through his children. Once we share our heart together with brother and sister, we receive an encouragement and understanding from them. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't turn away from our earthly family since we receive a good thing from Christ family, we should be a giver who gives to our family. This timeless truth helps me to turn myself to my dad and my sister, instead of point out what wrong with them, I'll be a giver who cares and love them. I'll continue to give and pray for them. Through this, I can walk as Christ-like Christianity. Thanks to God for his wonderful message!


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